Previous Chalk Talks



Dorren Grech, Ph.D.
Director, External Partnerships
UCB Biosciences, Inc.
Topic: To be announced

Dr. Michael Lynch
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Duke University
Topic: Starting a Start-Up
March 28, 2016


November 20

Sina Bavari, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
Topic: "Translational research and postdoctoral opportunities within the Department of Defense."

September 28

Markus Elsner
Senior Editor
Nature Biotechnology
Topic: "What makes for a good paper for one of the top journals in our field, and alternative career paths for biomedical scientists

March 25

Brittany Sanchez, Jaydeep Srimani and Stacey Qi
Topic: "How to network and secure internships in startups, government organizations, or industry corporations"

January 29

Thomas Petersen
United Therapeutics
Topic: "Advances in Tissue Engineering in the Life Science Industry"


October 21

Brent Hoffman
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University Pratt School of Engineering